April 20, 2022 – Regular Meeting

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Stillwater Township Planning Board

Minutes of April 20, 2022

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Planning Board was held at the Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pierce at 7:30 p.m. He announced that adequate notice of this meeting had been given to the public and the press under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, N.J.S.A 10:4-1 et.seq.

Members Present: Mr. Donofrio

Mr. Scott

Mr. Barta

Ms. Puccio

Mr. Pierce

Ms. Raff

Also Present: Attorney Haggerty

Engineer Golden


Mr. Donofrio made the motion to approve the minutes of March 16, 2022. Motion seconded by Mayor Scott. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Donofrio-Yes

Mr. Scott-Yes Ms. Puccio-Yes

Mr. Pierce-Yes Ms. Raff-Yes


Chairman Pierce opened the meeting up to the public at 7:33 p.m.

Louis Sylvester requested that the Board consider changes to the Family Farm definition, the size of farms that qualify for Farmland Assessment, and the Right to Farm. It was noted that Farmland Assessment qualifications and Right to Farm may be regulated by the State; however, the Board can review both issues.

With there being no further public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.


Dolan & Dolan

Re: General 49.50

Re: General 377.65

Re: North Shore House 99.00

Mayor Scott made the motion to approve the bills, funds permitting. Motion seconded by Mr. Barta. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Donofrio-Yes

Mr. Scott-Yes Ms. Puccio-Yes

Mr. Pierce-Yes Ms. Raff-Yes


#22-001 North Shore House, Block 36.01, Lot 16

Angela Paternostro-Pfister, Esq. was present representing the Applicant. Also present Steven and Louise van der Haeghen and Thomas Graham, P.E. who were all sworn in. Mr. Haggerty stated that the application was deemed complete last month

Mr. van der Haeghen stated that they are proposing to replace an existing deck and construct a larger deck. He stated that they have used tents in the past, however, the tents are not always sturdy and they have collapsed and have been blown over. He stated that the structure will allow them flexibility due to COVID restrictions and for hosting outdoor ceremonies and in preparing for events especially for handicapped customers and in bad weather. It was stated that it will not increase the seating and the deck will be covered/roofed. The following was submitted and marked as an Exhibit:

A-1 Photo of collapsed tent taken September of 2020

Mr. van der Haeghen described the photo. He stated that the deck will have a roof and will have screened sides.

Mr. Graham displayed a revised plan, which was marked as an Exhibit:

A-2 Deck Plan, revised thru 4-18-22

He stated that the Exhibit has some added dimensions and a corrected title block. He described the proposal to construct a new covered deck replacing an existing deck, reconfigured walkway, and relocated lighting. He stated that there will be an increase in impervious coverage. He addressed the C Variance for development within 100 feet of the Lake and the Permit By Rule #10 and #16. He also described the existing site conditions. The Board had several questions regarding the proposal.

Mr. Golden asked if any architectural drawings have been submitted and he questioned whether the proposal is a deck or an addition, as the proposed deck has a roof. Mr. Graham addressed storm water and the DEP qualifications. He stated that there are no negative impacts to the project and that the seating is limited by their approved septic system. After a brief discussion, it was determined that the application is not fatally flawed, as the relief being requested, has not changed.

The hearing was opened to the public. With there being no public comment, the hearing was closed to the public.

Mayor Scott made the motion to grant the relief requested( Preliminary and Final Site Plan and Variance approval) as presented and discussed this evening. Motion seconded by Mr. Donofrio. Discussion on the motion: Mr. Haggerty reviewed the conditions of approval. Roll call vote:

Mr. Barta-Yes Mr. Donofrio-Yes

Mr. Scott-Yes Ms. Puccio-Yes

Mr. Pierce-Yes Ms. Raff-Yes

Master Plan Reexamination

Ms. Schemm stated that there is nothing to report at this time. The Board discussed possible Master Plan Reexamination topics: Barns/Family Farms, Cannabis, and Airbnb.

Liaison Updates-Committee, Mayor, Board of Adjustment, and Environmental

Mr. Barta and Mayor Scott, provided the Committee update, which was discussed with the Board: Commercial Vehicles and Truck Traffic (Weight and Speed), Delaware Gap Recreation Area – National Park, Preferred Tree List for the Township Ordinance, Bond Ordinance for paving, delinquent/unpaid taxes, lot/property sales, construction fees, Crandon Lakes and emergency services, lake associations and services, schools newsletter/ budget/state aide, and programs.

Ms. Raff provided the Environmental Commission update: lighting ordinance/DPW lights/security/safety and options that may be available, purchase of bear proof receptacles at Veterans Park, clean out of Swallow Nesting Boxes, appointment of a Commission Member, and the Fishing Club raised funds to purchase trout.


The meeting was opened to the public.

Louis Sylvester commented again on the Right to Farm and Family Farms.

With there being no further public comment, the meeting was closed to the public.


With there being no further business, there was a motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. In a voice vote, all were in favor at 8:52 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Alfia Schemm

Board Secretary


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