April 15, 2024 Workshop Meeting

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April 15, 2023



MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Sylvester, Mr. Reilly (8:17 p.m.), Mrs. Minervino, Mrs. Falotico, Mrs. Tsadilas, Mrs. Richardson, and Mrs. Tosti

LIASION: Mr. Manser was in attendance

MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Carovillano and Mrs. Martin.

Mrs. Tosti called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the statement that this meeting follows the Open

Public Meetings Act. Regular meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m., at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building located in Middleville, New Jersey. This meeting was held at the Stillwater Township Municipal Building. The flag was saluted and roll call taken.


Amendments to the Agenda

There were no amendments made to the agenda.


Correspondence – Mrs. Richardson: None.

Stillwater Day:

6/1/2024 Rain Date: 6/2/2024

12:00-6:00 p.m.

Veteran’s Field



Miss Stillwater – Mrs. Minervino

Mrs. Minervino confirmed the flyer is in both Kittatinny School and Stillwater School newspapers. However, it has not yet been advertised in the Township Journal. Mrs. Minervino has followed up. Three judges and their bios have been secured. Our fourth judge’s bio has not yet been received. Mrs. Minervino will be contacting our past winners to see if they are available on the event day (they typically assist in handing out prizes and giving a brief follow-up on their past year).

Activities/Old Fashioned Games Area – Mrs. Falotico and Mrs. Tsadilas

Mrs. Falotico provided a chart of tentative times and placement of all activities. Some activities can run all day, others need to be set for a certain time. A lengthy discussion took place regarding the placement of all activities. Mrs. Tosti suggested we hold our next workshop meeting at Veteran’s Field to get a better idea for placement. The Committee agreed.

Sack races

Scare crow making contest

Cornhole tournament

Story time (3)

Watermelon eating contest (ribbons instead of prizes were suggested)

Duck race (tickets would be sold for ducks and proceeds can go towards Summer Camp)

Touch a truck (Fire Department) *** Just make sure they do not park vehicle in fields***

Field Day Games (tug of wars, tic tac toe)

Weighted ball toss

We will need volunteers. Mrs. Tosti and Mrs. Tsadilas will gather a list of past volunteers to contact. Posting on social media pages was suggested as well to gain student volunteers.

Shows/Programs – Mrs. Richardson

Our show has been secured – Tommy Knucklehead. He does tricks/jokes and is very well liked.

Bounce House/Equipment –

Mr. Sylvester secured a proposal for four bounce houses, two generators, and one 30×40 tent from Tri State Rentals. The Committee discussed needing a third generator for concessions. Mr. Sylvester was unaware of this change. A third generator may be obtained from either Steven Sugar or the DPW. If not, Mr. Sylvester will contact Tri-State Rentals regarding the additional cost.

Vendors/Food Vendors – Mrs. Tosti

Applications are out. There have been 15 responses thus far (payments pending).

Duck Race – Mrs. Tosti

Tickets will be presold and preprinted. There will be five prizes total.

Talent ShowMr. Sylvester and Mr. Reilly

Advertisements are out. Schools have been contacted to advertise as well. Flyers will be shared with Mrs. Wunder and she will distribute to members. Prizes to be decided. There will be three different age groups: 5-11, 12-17, Adult. If there are children younger than 5, they will be allowed to participate.

Create List of Supplies –

  • Crown/tiara/sashes
  • Judges’ gifts
  • Gift bags/gift cards (Miss Stillwater)
  • Weighted balls
  • Wood face cut out for Lily to paint
  • Nets/ducks
  • Prizes/ribbons
  • Rope (tug of war)
  • Water balloons/bucket
  • Limbo stick
  • Cooler/summer clothes for scarecrows
  • Spoons (egg race)
  • Cornhole boards
  • Candies/jar
  • Popcorn/bags
  • Watermelons

Water Safety Fair – Mrs. Tsadilas

There will be a meeting on 5/4 at 6:00 p.m. to set up and review the event day. Another donation has been received in the amount of $100.00. Mrs. Tsadilas is encouraging preregistration to alleviate any entry traffic. 127 people have registered thus far. There will be four giveaways, scavenger hunt, arts/crafts table, movie, and a gift table (volunteer needed).

Open Public Session:

The meeting was opened to the public at 8:19 p.m.

Movie Night – Mrs. Falotico

The Lorax


Swartswood Park/Community Center (weather dependent)

Start time to be determined, but 7:30-8:00 p.m. times were discussed.

Mrs. Falotico will check to make sure the Community Center is available that evening if the weather does not permit an outdoor movie.

Bus Trip (Yankees Game) – Mr. Reilly

A date needs to be secured. He would like to target the Kittatinny Little League. Mr. Reilly will contact Mr. Carovillano to find out their game schedule to ensure they can go.

Pickleball Updates –

A resident concerned about the pickleball courts was inquiring about what meetings he should be attending to get updates regarding the progress of the courts. Mr. Manser suggested waiting until the budget is voted on. Without a budget, we cannot move forward with set plans. It was recommended he attend Township Committee and DPW meetings in the future.

WSF/ Stillwater Day Banners Vote:

Mrs. Tosti made a motion to place an order for two banners in the amount up to $150.00 to be purchased with donation money for WSF, seconded by Mrs. Richardson. She also made a motion to place an order for three banners for Stillwater Day up to $300.00 to be purchased for advertising Stillwater Day, also seconded by Mrs. Richardson.

Roll Call Vote: Mr. Sylvester, yes, Mrs. Minervino, yes, Mrs. Falotico, yes, Mrs. Tsadilas, yes, Mrs. Richardson, yes and Mrs. Tosti, yes

*$130.00 in donations (plus additional donations) will cover the cost for WSF.

Reminder –

The Committee was reminded that all purchasing needs to be discussed with the CFO to ensure we are within budget (Shop Rite/Amazon)

The meeting was closed to the public at 8:30 p.m.


Committee Member Comments:



Liaison Report:

Mr. Manser –

The budget meeting is set for tomorrow.



Mrs.Tosti made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:36pm., seconded by Mr. Sylvester and all were in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Danielle Wunder, Secretary











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