January 4, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes – January 4, 2021

The regular meeting of the Stillwater Township Recreation Commission was held on January 4, 2021 at 7:18 p.m. at the Stillwater Municipal Building, Stillwater, NJ and via Zoom. The meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman Dawn Delaney with the Open Public Meetings Statement and the Flag Salute. (Zoom participants: One public participant: Mr. Carovillano, Committee Member: Mr. Sylvester and Liaison: Mr. Scott.

Members Present: Ms. Hess, Mrs. Stark, Mr. Sylvester, Mrs. Tosti, Mrs. Delaney

Alternates Present: Mrs. Beshada, Mrs. Gardner

Members Absent/Excused: Mr. Reilly

Approval of minutes from last meeting – December 7, 2021 Motion/2nd LOU/DAWN Motion Carried. (note: Mrs. Gardner voted in Mr. Reilly’s absence)

Payment of Bills – Presented bills: R&R Trophy 2 Invoices totaling $52.34, Septicare (Dec) $165.00

Motion/2nd BESHADA/STARK Motion Carried. (note: Mrs. Gardner voted in Mr. Reilly’s absence)

Correspondence – Presented by Chairman Dawn Delaney: The affidavit reference to reorganization, Ben Schaffer Recreation sent Thank you / Happy Holiday card, Michele sent thank you letter to Dave Manser for his help with the Tree at the Community Center, Letter of Thanks to Mayor Lisa Chammings about Anonymous Donor for Tree, Thank you letter for Scariest Halloween Decoration Participant and $25.00 Gift Card enclosed to Mr. B. Casera, Thank you letter for Most Interactive Halloween Decoration Participant and $25.00 Gift Card to Don Thoenig, Thank you letter for Most Creative Halloween Decoration Participant and $25.00 Gift Card to Bartlett/Young (pumpkin house)

Open Public Session – Agenda items only open: 7:28 p.m. Mr. Carovillano, on behalf of KLL, regarding Field Use Form Beginning April 2021. Schedule as for days/time will be presented in future once their schedule is constructed. Field Use Form is for Veterans Field and Swartswood Park. COI was submitted. Field use approval Pending Schedule and Updated Covid-19 Waiver Completion (provided to Township by Mr. Morville)- Updated Covid-19 Waiver will be posted to Website and attached to necessary Use Forms.

In addition: Mr. Sylvester requested advice and help from Mr. Carovillano regarding where to purchase needed equipment for Veterans Field (Batter Box, Aluminum Benches and Drags for maintaining fields.) Mr. Caravillano will look into that and be in contact. With no other discussion Public Session closed: 7:33 p.m.

Amendments to the Agenda

  1. New Business (c) Michele stated to recommend to the Committee to move Terry Beshada from Alt 1 Position to Regular Member and Move Alicia Gardner from Alt 2 to Alt 1.
  2. New Business (b) Plant Exchange, Mrs. Stark
  3. Move New Business Line B to Old Business Line D (pickle ball)
  4. Under Old Business add Line E for Community Center Holiday Décor Clean up

Sub-Committee Reports

  1. Clean Up Day 4/10/2021
  2. Stillwater Day 6/12/2021
  3. Garage Sale Weekend 7/17/2021 & 7/18/2021 (further discussion of fall interest (2 times per year) and possibly different dates for summer) Mr. Scott recommended doing one garage sale weekend this year until we see what the year brings. Mrs. Delaney would like to address again in the future.
  4. Summer Camp 8/9/2021-8/13/2021 & 8/16/2021-8/20/2021
  5. County/State Fair- None
  6. Decorating Contests – Home Decorating Winners Christmas Most Traditional Walker Family: 903 Ridge Rd. ($25.00 Walmart Gift Card) Most Elegant: Bello Family 1059 Stillwater Rd. ($25.00 Walmart Gift Card) Elegant Honorable mention: 1016 Rt 619.No Most Interactive Entries were received. Further discussion included adding Photo Release for Social Media to applications.
  7. Tree Lighting @ Community Center 12/10/2021 snow date 12/11/2021
  8. Field use/ Maintenance Mrs. Delaney confirmed with Mr. Sylvester she has a key to the POD to meet and put equipment inside the POD. Mr. Sylvester stated

Ms. Hess made a motion to approve the Dates set for 2021, 2nd Mrs. Tosti. Motion carried.

Old Business

  1. Field Use Applications (if any) As discussed in open public session (KLL) Motion made by Ms. Hess and

2nd by Mrs. Delaney to approve Field Use Application pending Covid Waiver and Schedule of practices. Motion Carried.

  1. Field Use Application Revisions (Dawn, Michele, Lisa) Will set a date to work on Application Revision and Mrs. Delaney will reach out to Mrs. Knott to make sure it is up on the Website.
  2. Equipment Wish List Items: Mr. Sylvester and Mrs. Delaney will meet to put bases, marked ST in red paint, from Veterans Field into the POD. Mr. Sylvester asked Mr. Scott to share with the DPW a request from Stillwater/Fredon Soccer for top soil filling of holes at Volunteer Field and clay for softball and little league fields at Veterans Field. Mr. Scott agreed to pass on to DPW to be completed in the Spring. Mr. Sylvester made a motion to use Green Acres Budget line to purchase the following equipment immediately from Morris Co-Op (2020 list and pricing is most current) for Veterans Field totaling $1382.46: anchor pitching mound $38.40, Qty 2 soft touch base sets $389.46 each, double first base soft touch $240.98, Qty 2 waffle style home plate $35.26 each, Qty 2 36” field rakes $32.84 each and dry line marker $187.96. Ms. Hess will fill out Purchase Order and submit to CFO. 2nd Ms. Hess. Motion Carried.
  3. Pickle Ball Court Striping Ms. Hess addressed Mr. Scott about getting information from the company who did the courts in PLA. Currently Mr. Scott had no information and was requested by Ms. Hess and Mrs. Delaney to get pricing and discuss going forward with this at the next meeting.
  4. Community Center Clean up will be completed and items brought to POD by Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Tosti on Tuesday January 5, 2021. DPW is going to remove the foosball table and take to dump.New Business
  1. 2021 Budget & Paving Budget Request Mr. Sylvester stated we are currently waiting on approval from Township Committee for the approval of Capitol Improvements at Veterans for paving. Mr. Sylvester spoke with Josh and it was specifically stated by Josh to perform 1 project at a time starting with Veterans. Also noted concerns about vandalism at Veterans. Mrs. Delaney thanked Mr. Sylvester and Josh. Will move forward once Township Committee gives us an update. DPW meets with Township

Committee on January 16

  1. Plant Exchange Mrs. Stark would like to open this to Stillwater in the Spring and Fall. Mrs. Stark will get more information for outside exchange for plants and possibly use Community Center parking lot. We will address again at the next meeting.
  2. Motion by Ms. Hess to move Terry Beshada from Alt 1 Position to Regular Member and move Alicia Gardner from Alt 2 Position to Alt 1 Position. Both Positions expire 12/2023. 2nd by Mrs. Delaney. Motion Carried.

Open Public Session open 8:12 p.m. NONE closed 8:12 p.m.

Committee Member Comments Mrs. Stark

Liaison Report Mr. Scott thanked Rec for 2020. Recommend sending thank you letter for all their help in 2020. Mr. Scott hope the vaccines helps, 95 positive counts currently, no current death count. Mr. Sylvester shared thanks to DPW. Mrs. Delaney will get that letter to them.

Executive Session None

Executive Session Actions None


There being no further business, motion made and seconded to adjourn at 8:16pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alicia Gardner




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